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Dear Candidate:

The following article illustrates some of the challenges we face living and owning homes in Salt Lake City neighborhoods. Please come prepared to explain your position on spot-zoning and conditional use permits at the East Central Community Council meeting (October 10, 2007). I will be unable to attend and would appreciate you sending me your position statement.

Thank you.


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 Hi Nancey,

First of all, I saw you the night of city council meeting discussing Tanner park. You looked like a young babe up there. What the heck are you doing? I want some! I do want to throw in my 2 cents and say Tanner Park can't get any more natural than it is with dogs and people enjoying it day and night. It is going to such good use and is being groomed for all to enjoy. Thousands of people and dogs are happy. If it could be a DOG STATE PARK it would be the best in the country and would put us on the map as such. Flowing water, room to run, friendly people to talk to! I want to thank you if you want to vote to help keep this Tanner Park alive for free running animals.I know, NO Other park that makes so many people and dogs...... so happy.

Thanks Adele


Sierra Club Questions and Answers from Nancy



Saxton sails through Salt Lake City Council race (Salt Lake Tribune)

09-27-07  Unfinished house fuels feud