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Dear Don,

Notification is essential to a fair and transparent public process. Over the years there have been improvements to the notification process the City ordnance requires when changes are proposed. Now with the internet so widely accessible it opens the possibility to provide public notification with ease, broader, speedier and at a reasonable cost. Some of this can be implemented immediately and some will need additional soft ware to function.

The City wide re-evaluation of zoning & zoning re-write took place in 1995. It took into account the master plans that were in place at that time and also looked at the existing land use. The area that you sight, the 7 11 on 1300 east & 800 south was an existing business. It also is in a strong stable residential neighborhood. There were some down zonings that took place at that time as well as a number of up zonings that allowed for more dense housing and legalized some non conforming business uses. Now 12 years later there are some new master plans, different visions for public transit and much desired neighborhood shopping. The Salt Lake economy is strong. We are seeing many changes in our neighborhoods; losses that threaten the desirability of our communities and some improvements. I am willing to reevaluate the zoning especially in the residential areas to reconfirm or to change some of the higher densities zoning that now are in effect. Another option is to propose changes to the future zoning map. One of the suggestions I have made to the planning director (who is now the Community Development Director) is to down zone more areas at the same time show an over- lay of potential zoning options that would allow for alternative uses that are compatible to the master plans and would enhance the quality of life in the neighborhoods. This seems to be good timing to propose this wide reaching vision again. It could be a beneficial option to the Conditional use process which is now held in a moratorium to be re-evaluated due to changes in State Law regulation.

Over the past 8 years while on the City Council I have attended and even facilitated numerous meetings with the community interested and concerned about the development trends. Some positive changes have been implemented and others are languishing. The Planning Department in the past has been very responsive to new ideas and proposals. The soon to be elected Mayor will bring much needed attention to planning needs for the City. There is must to do, the community is needed as much now as ever to bring these ideas to fruition.

To answer your question pointedly regarding spot zoning, I am not in favor of spot zoning.winter02

Thank you for the chance to reflect and to answer your questions. Thank you for your interest and continued participation.

Warm regards,



